Brieuc Frénais

Research activity

I am currently working on a random model of particles on the real line subject to a rule of branching with selection, and its relation with a PDE problem with a free boundary. I also went to the CEMRACS 2022 and worked on a problem of mean field optimal transport, using machine learning approach.

Conference proceedings

  1. Deep Learning for Mean Field Optimal Transport, S. Baudelet, B. Frénais, M. Laurière, A. Machtalay and Y. Zhu. In ESAIM: ProcS, Vol. 77 (2024).


  1. The comonotone flow of a stochastically monotone Feller process on the real line, J. Bérard, B. Frénais.
  2. Hydrodynamic limit of N-branching Markov processes, J. Bérard, B. Frénais.
